Installation of graphical user interface ======================================== The graphical user interface (GUI) is recommended for users who prefer not to write scripts or type commands in a terminal window. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Open a terminal window: - `Open the command-line interface `_ 2. Install Python: - Enter ``python3 --version`` (or if doesn't work ``python --version``) in the terminal window to see if it's already installed (the answer should read ``Python 3.X.X`` where X is a number) - `Python installation `_ 3. Install the necessary software versions straight from the repositories by copying the following instructions into the terminal window (use ``pip3`` or ``pip`` otherwise): - ``pip3 install -U trafilatura[gui]`` All instructions for the terminal window are followed by pressing the `enter key `_. .. hint:: Allow some time for the installation to run. Getting started ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just type ``trafilatura_gui`` in a terminal window and press the `enter key `_. Troubleshooting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Installation and terminal: - `Introduction to the command-line `_ - `How to Open a Terminal Window in Mac `_ - `How to Open Terminal in Windows `_ - `How to Start Using the Linux Terminal `_ - `Installation instructions `_ for *trafilatura* Mac OS X: - ``This program needs access to the screen...`` This problem is related to the way you installed Python or the shell you're running: 1. Clone the reposoitory and start with "pythonw trafilatura_gui/" (`source `_) 2. `Configure your virtual environment `_ (Python3 and wxpython 4.1.0) Linux (Debian/Ubuntu): - ``sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev`` - optional: to save compilation time, use a wxpython wheel from (according to Linux distribution, ``wxpython`` version 4.1.0) Screenshot ~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: gui-screenshot.png :alt: Screenshot of the interface :align: center :width: 65%