# pylint:disable-msg=E0611,I1101
All functions related to XML generation, processing and validation.
import csv
import logging
from html import unescape
from importlib.metadata import version
from io import StringIO
from json import dumps as json_dumps
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional
from lxml.etree import (_Element, Element, SubElement, XMLParser,
fromstring, tostring, DTD)
from .settings import Document, Extractor
from .utils import sanitize, sanitize_tree, text_chars_test
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
PKG_VERSION = version("trafilatura")
# validation
TEI_SCHEMA = str(Path(__file__).parent / "data" / "tei_corpus.dtd")
TEI_VALID_TAGS = {'ab', 'body', 'cell', 'code', 'del', 'div', 'graphic', 'head', 'hi', \
'item', 'lb', 'list', 'p', 'quote', 'ref', 'row', 'table'}
TEI_VALID_ATTRS = {'rend', 'rendition', 'role', 'target', 'type'}
TEI_DTD = None # to be downloaded later if necessary
TEI_REMOVE_TAIL = {"ab", "p"}
TEI_DIV_SIBLINGS = {"p", "list", "table", "quote", "ab"}
CONTROL_PARSER = XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
NEWLINE_ELEMS = {'code', 'graphic', 'head', 'lb', 'list', 'p', 'quote', 'row', 'table'}
SPECIAL_FORMATTING = {'del', 'head', 'hi', 'ref'}
WITH_ATTRIBUTES = {'cell', 'row', 'del', 'graphic', 'head', 'hi', 'item', 'list', 'ref'}
NESTING_WHITELIST = {"cell", "figure", "item", "note", "quote"}
'sitename', 'title', 'author', 'date', 'url', 'hostname',
'description', 'categories', 'tags', 'license', 'id',
'fingerprint', 'language'
HI_FORMATTING = {'#b': '**', '#i': '*', '#u': '__', '#t': '`'}
# https://github.com/lxml/lxml/blob/master/src/lxml/html/__init__.py
def delete_element(element: _Element, keep_tail: bool = True) -> None:
Removes this element from the tree, including its children and
text. The tail text is joined to the previous element or parent.
parent = element.getparent()
if parent is None:
if keep_tail and element.tail:
previous = element.getprevious()
if previous is None:
parent.text = (parent.text or "") + element.tail
previous.tail = (previous.tail or "") + element.tail
def merge_with_parent(element: _Element, include_formatting: bool = False) -> None:
'''Merge element with its parent and convert formatting to markdown.'''
parent = element.getparent()
if parent is None:
full_text = replace_element_text(element, include_formatting)
if element.tail is not None:
full_text += element.tail
previous = element.getprevious()
if previous is not None:
# There is a previous node, append text to its tail
previous.tail = f'{previous.tail} {full_text}' if previous.tail else full_text
elif parent.text is not None:
parent.text = f'{parent.text} {full_text}'
parent.text = full_text
def remove_empty_elements(tree: _Element) -> _Element:
'''Remove text elements without text.'''
for element in tree.iter('*'): # 'head', 'hi', 'item', 'p'
if len(element) == 0 and text_chars_test(element.text) is False and text_chars_test(element.tail) is False:
parent = element.getparent()
# not root element or element which is naturally empty
# do not remove elements inside <code> to preserve formatting
if parent is not None and element.tag != "graphic" and parent.tag != 'code':
return tree
def strip_double_tags(tree: _Element) -> _Element:
"Prevent nested tags among a fixed list of tags."
for elem in reversed(tree.xpath(".//head | .//code | .//p")):
for subelem in elem.iterdescendants("code", "head", "p"):
if subelem.tag == elem.tag and subelem.getparent().tag not in NESTING_WHITELIST:
return tree
def build_json_output(docmeta: Document, with_metadata: bool = True) -> str:
'''Build JSON output based on extracted information'''
if with_metadata:
outputdict = {slot: getattr(docmeta, slot, None) for slot in docmeta.__slots__}
'source': outputdict.pop('url'),
'source-hostname': outputdict.pop('sitename'),
'excerpt': outputdict.pop('description'),
'categories': ';'.join(outputdict.pop('categories') or []),
'tags': ';'.join(outputdict.pop('tags') or []),
'text': xmltotxt(outputdict.pop('body'), include_formatting=False),
commentsbody = outputdict.pop('commentsbody')
outputdict = {'text': xmltotxt(docmeta.body, include_formatting=False)}
commentsbody = docmeta.commentsbody
outputdict['comments'] = xmltotxt(commentsbody, include_formatting=False)
return json_dumps(outputdict, ensure_ascii=False)
def clean_attributes(tree: _Element) -> _Element:
'''Remove unnecessary attributes.'''
for elem in tree.iter('*'):
if elem.tag not in WITH_ATTRIBUTES:
return tree
def build_xml_output(docmeta: Document) -> _Element:
'''Build XML output tree based on extracted information'''
output = Element('doc')
add_xml_meta(output, docmeta)
docmeta.body.tag = 'main'
# clean XML tree
docmeta.commentsbody.tag = 'comments'
return output
def control_xml_output(document: Document, options: Extractor) -> str:
'''Make sure the XML output is conform and valid if required'''
func = build_xml_output if options.format == "xml" else build_tei_output
output_tree = func(document)
output_tree = sanitize_tree(output_tree)
# necessary for cleaning
output_tree = fromstring(tostring(output_tree, encoding='unicode'), CONTROL_PARSER)
# validate
if options.format == 'xmltei' and options.tei_validation:
LOGGER.debug('TEI validation result: %s %s', validate_tei(output_tree), options.source)
return tostring(output_tree, pretty_print=True, encoding='unicode').strip()
def add_xml_meta(output: _Element, docmeta: Document) -> None:
'''Add extracted metadata to the XML output tree'''
for attribute in META_ATTRIBUTES:
value = getattr(docmeta, attribute, None)
if value:
output.set(attribute, value if isinstance(value, str) else ';'.join(value))
def build_tei_output(docmeta: Document) -> _Element:
'''Build TEI-XML output tree based on extracted information'''
# build TEI tree
output = write_teitree(docmeta)
# filter output (strip unwanted elements), just in case
# check and repair
output = check_tei(output, docmeta.url)
return output
def check_tei(xmldoc: _Element, url: Optional[str]) -> _Element:
'''Check if the resulting XML file is conform and scrub remaining tags'''
# convert head tags
for elem in xmldoc.iter('head'):
elem.tag = 'ab'
elem.set('type', 'header')
parent = elem.getparent()
if parent is None:
if len(elem) > 0:
new_elem = _tei_handle_complex_head(elem)
parent.replace(elem, new_elem)
elem = new_elem
if parent.tag == "p":
# convert <lb/> when child of <div> to <p>
for elem in xmldoc.findall(".//text/body//div/lb"):
if elem.tail and elem.tail.strip():
elem.tag, elem.text, elem.tail = 'p', elem.tail, None
# look for elements that are not valid
for elem in xmldoc.findall('.//text/body//*'):
# check elements
if elem.tag not in TEI_VALID_TAGS:
# disable warnings for chosen categories
# if element.tag not in ('div', 'span'):
LOGGER.warning('not a TEI element, removing: %s %s', elem.tag, url)
if elem.tag in TEI_REMOVE_TAIL:
elif elem.tag == "div":
#if len(elem) == 0:
# elem.getparent().remove(elem)
# check attributes
for attribute in [a for a in elem.attrib if a not in TEI_VALID_ATTRS]:
LOGGER.warning('not a valid TEI attribute, removing: %s in %s %s', attribute, elem.tag, url)
return xmldoc
def validate_tei(xmldoc: _Element) -> bool:
'''Check if an XML document is conform to the guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative'''
global TEI_DTD
if TEI_DTD is None:
# https://tei-c.org/release/xml/tei/custom/schema/dtd/tei_corpus.dtd
result = TEI_DTD.validate(xmldoc)
if result is False:
LOGGER.warning('not a valid TEI document: %s', TEI_DTD.error_log.last_error)
return result
def replace_element_text(element: _Element, include_formatting: bool) -> str:
"Determine element text based on just the text of the element. One must deal with the tail separately."
elem_text = element.text or ""
# handle formatting: convert to markdown
if include_formatting and element.text:
if element.tag == "head":
number = int(element.get("rend")[1]) # type: ignore[index]
except (TypeError, ValueError):
number = 2
elem_text = f'{"#" * number} {elem_text}'
elif element.tag == "del":
elem_text = f"~~{elem_text}~~"
elif element.tag == "hi":
rend = element.get("rend")
if rend in HI_FORMATTING:
elem_text = f"{HI_FORMATTING[rend]}{elem_text}{HI_FORMATTING[rend]}"
elif element.tag == "code":
if "\n" in element.text:
elem_text = f"```\n{elem_text}\n```"
elem_text = f"`{elem_text}`"
# handle links
if element.tag == "ref":
if elem_text:
link_text = f"[{elem_text}]"
target = element.get("target")
if target:
elem_text = f"{link_text}({target})"
LOGGER.warning("missing link attribute: %s %s'", elem_text, element.attrib)
elem_text = link_text
LOGGER.warning("empty link: %s %s", elem_text, element.attrib)
# cells
if element.tag == "cell" and elem_text and len(element) > 0:
if element[0].tag == 'p':
elem_text = f"{elem_text} " if element.getprevious() is not None else f"| {elem_text} "
elif element.tag == 'cell' and elem_text:
# add | before first cell
elem_text = f"{elem_text}" if element.getprevious() is not None else f"| {elem_text}"
# lists
elif element.tag == "item" and elem_text:
elem_text = f"- {elem_text}\n"
return elem_text
def process_element(element: _Element, returnlist: List[str], include_formatting: bool) -> None:
"Recursively convert a LXML element and its children to a flattened string representation."
if element.text:
# this is the text that comes before the first child
returnlist.append(replace_element_text(element, include_formatting))
for child in element:
process_element(child, returnlist, include_formatting)
if not element.text and not element.tail:
if element.tag == "graphic":
# add source, default to ''
text = f'{element.get("title", "")} {element.get("alt", "")}'
# newlines for textless elements
elif element.tag in NEWLINE_ELEMS:
# add line after table head
if element.tag == "row":
cell_count = len(element.xpath(".//cell"))
# restrict columns to a maximum of 1000
span_info = element.get("colspan") or element.get("span")
if not span_info or not span_info.isdigit():
max_span = 1
max_span = min(int(span_info), MAX_TABLE_WIDTH)
# row ended so draw extra empty cells to match max_span
if cell_count < max_span:
returnlist.append(f'{"|" * (max_span - cell_count)}\n')
# if this is a head row, draw the separator below
if element.xpath("./cell[@role='head']"):
returnlist.append(f'\n|{"---|" * max_span}\n')
elif element.tag != "cell":
# cells still need to append vertical bars
# but nothing more to do with other textless elements
# Process text
# Common elements (Now processes end-tag logic correctly)
if element.tag in NEWLINE_ELEMS and not element.xpath("ancestor::cell"):
# spacing hack
returnlist.append("\n\u2424\n" if include_formatting and element.tag != 'row' else "\n")
elif element.tag == "cell":
returnlist.append(" | ")
elif element.tag not in SPECIAL_FORMATTING:
returnlist.append(" ")
# this is text that comes after the closing tag, so it should be after any NEWLINE_ELEMS
if element.tail:
def xmltotxt(xmloutput: Optional[_Element], include_formatting: bool) -> str:
"Convert to plain text format and optionally preserve formatting as markdown."
if xmloutput is None:
return ""
returnlist: List[str] = []
process_element(xmloutput, returnlist, include_formatting)
return unescape(sanitize("".join(returnlist)) or "")
def xmltocsv(document: Document, include_formatting: bool, *, delim: str = "\t", null: str = "null") -> str:
"Convert the internal XML document representation to a CSV string."
# preprocessing
posttext = xmltotxt(document.body, include_formatting) or null
commentstext = xmltotxt(document.commentsbody, include_formatting) or null
# output config
output = StringIO()
outputwriter = csv.writer(output, delimiter=delim, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
# organize fields
outputwriter.writerow([d if d else null for d in (
return output.getvalue()
def write_teitree(docmeta: Document) -> _Element:
'''Bundle the extracted post and comments into a TEI tree'''
teidoc = Element('TEI', xmlns='http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0')
write_fullheader(teidoc, docmeta)
textelem = SubElement(teidoc, 'text')
textbody = SubElement(textelem, 'body')
# post
postbody = clean_attributes(docmeta.body)
postbody.tag = 'div'
postbody.set('type', 'entry')
# comments
commentsbody = clean_attributes(docmeta.commentsbody)
commentsbody.tag = 'div'
commentsbody.set('type', 'comments')
return teidoc
def _define_publisher_string(docmeta: Document) -> str:
'''Construct a publisher string to include in TEI header'''
if docmeta.hostname and docmeta.sitename:
publisher = f'{docmeta.sitename.strip()} ({docmeta.hostname})'
publisher = docmeta.hostname or docmeta.sitename or 'N/A'
if LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.WARNING) and publisher == 'N/A':
LOGGER.warning('no publisher for URL %s', docmeta.url)
return publisher
def write_fullheader(teidoc: _Element, docmeta: Document) -> _Element:
'''Write TEI header based on gathered metadata'''
# todo: add language info
header = SubElement(teidoc, 'teiHeader')
filedesc = SubElement(header, 'fileDesc')
bib_titlestmt = SubElement(filedesc, 'titleStmt')
SubElement(bib_titlestmt, 'title', type='main').text = docmeta.title
if docmeta.author:
SubElement(bib_titlestmt, 'author').text = docmeta.author
publicationstmt_a = SubElement(filedesc, 'publicationStmt')
publisher_string = _define_publisher_string(docmeta)
# license, if applicable
if docmeta.license:
SubElement(publicationstmt_a, 'publisher').text = publisher_string
availability = SubElement(publicationstmt_a, 'availability')
SubElement(availability, 'p').text = docmeta.license
# insert an empty paragraph for conformity
SubElement(publicationstmt_a, 'p')
notesstmt = SubElement(filedesc, 'notesStmt')
if docmeta.id:
SubElement(notesstmt, 'note', type='id').text = docmeta.id
SubElement(notesstmt, 'note', type='fingerprint').text = docmeta.fingerprint
sourcedesc = SubElement(filedesc, 'sourceDesc')
source_bibl = SubElement(sourcedesc, 'bibl')
sigle = ', '.join(filter(None, [docmeta.sitename, docmeta.date]))
if not sigle:
LOGGER.warning('no sigle for URL %s', docmeta.url)
source_bibl.text = ', '.join(filter(None, [docmeta.title, sigle]))
SubElement(sourcedesc, 'bibl', type='sigle').text = sigle
biblfull = SubElement(sourcedesc, 'biblFull')
bib_titlestmt = SubElement(biblfull, 'titleStmt')
SubElement(bib_titlestmt, 'title', type='main').text = docmeta.title
if docmeta.author:
SubElement(bib_titlestmt, 'author').text = docmeta.author
publicationstmt = SubElement(biblfull, 'publicationStmt')
SubElement(publicationstmt, 'publisher').text = publisher_string
if docmeta.url:
SubElement(publicationstmt, 'ptr', type='URL', target=docmeta.url)
SubElement(publicationstmt, 'date').text = docmeta.date
profiledesc = SubElement(header, 'profileDesc')
abstract = SubElement(profiledesc, 'abstract')
SubElement(abstract, 'p').text = docmeta.description
if docmeta.categories or docmeta.tags:
textclass = SubElement(profiledesc, 'textClass')
keywords = SubElement(textclass, 'keywords')
if docmeta.categories:
SubElement(keywords, 'term', type='categories').text = ','.join(docmeta.categories)
if docmeta.tags:
SubElement(keywords, 'term', type='tags').text = ','.join(docmeta.tags)
creation = SubElement(profiledesc, 'creation')
SubElement(creation, 'date', type="download").text = docmeta.filedate
encodingdesc = SubElement(header, 'encodingDesc')
appinfo = SubElement(encodingdesc, 'appInfo')
application = SubElement(appinfo, 'application', version=PKG_VERSION, ident='Trafilatura')
SubElement(application, 'label').text = 'Trafilatura'
SubElement(application, 'ptr', target='https://github.com/adbar/trafilatura')
return header
def _handle_text_content_of_div_nodes(element: _Element) -> None:
"Wrap loose text in <div> within <p> elements for TEI conformity."
if element.text and element.text.strip():
if len(element) > 0 and element[0].tag == "p":
element[0].text = f'{element.text} {element[0].text or ""}'.strip()
new_child = Element("p")
new_child.text = element.text
element.insert(0, new_child)
element.text = None
if element.tail and element.tail.strip():
if len(element) > 0 and element[-1].tag == "p":
element[-1].text = f'{element[-1].text or ""} {element.tail}'.strip()
new_child = Element("p")
new_child.text = element.tail
element.tail = None
def _handle_unwanted_tails(element: _Element) -> None:
"Handle tail on p and ab elements"
element.tail = element.tail.strip() if element.tail else None
if not element.tail:
if element.tag == "p":
element.text = " ".join(filter(None, [element.text, element.tail]))
new_sibling = Element('p')
new_sibling.text = element.tail
parent = element.getparent()
if parent is not None:
parent.insert(parent.index(element) + 1 , new_sibling)
element.tail = None
def _tei_handle_complex_head(element: _Element) -> _Element:
"Convert certain child elements to <ab> and <lb>."
new_element = Element('ab', attrib=element.attrib)
new_element.text = element.text.strip() if element.text else None
for child in element.iterchildren():
if child.tag == 'p':
if len(new_element) > 0 or new_element.text:
# add <lb> if <ab> has no children or last tail contains text
if len(new_element) == 0 or new_element[-1].tail:
SubElement(new_element, 'lb')
new_element[-1].tail = child.text
new_element.text = child.text
tail = element.tail.strip() if element.tail else None
if tail:
new_element.tail = tail
return new_element
def _wrap_unwanted_siblings_of_div(div_element: _Element) -> None:
"Wrap unwanted siblings of a div element in a new div element."
new_sibling = Element("div")
new_sibling_index = None
parent = div_element.getparent()
if parent is None:
# check siblings after target element
for sibling in div_element.itersiblings():
if sibling.tag == "div":
if sibling.tag in TEI_DIV_SIBLINGS:
new_sibling_index = new_sibling_index or parent.index(sibling)
# some elements (e.g. <lb/>) can appear next to div, but
# order of elements should be kept, thus add and reset new_sibling
if new_sibling_index and len(new_sibling) > 0:
parent.insert(new_sibling_index, new_sibling)
new_sibling = Element("div")
new_sibling_index = None
if new_sibling_index and len(new_sibling) != 0:
parent.insert(new_sibling_index, new_sibling)
def _move_element_one_level_up(element: _Element) -> None:
Fix TEI compatibility issues by moving certain p-elems up in the XML tree.
There is always a n+2 nesting for p-elements with the minimal structure ./TEI/text/body/p
parent = element.getparent()
grand_parent = parent.getparent() if parent is not None else None
if parent is None or grand_parent is None:
new_elem = Element("p")
grand_parent.insert(grand_parent.index(parent) + 1, element)
tail = element.tail.strip() if element.tail else None
if tail:
new_elem.text = tail
element.tail = None
tail = parent.tail.strip() if parent.tail else None
if tail:
new_elem.tail = tail
parent.tail = None
if len(new_elem) > 0 or new_elem.text or new_elem.tail:
grand_parent.insert(grand_parent.index(element) + 1, new_elem)
if len(parent) == 0 and not parent.text: